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Artificial Intelligence: Future of Startups

Artificial intelligence: Future of Startups is a joint initiative of GenLab and Intellectual Property Rights Consultation Center (IPRCC) with strategic support from Leuven AI Forum at Belgium and the European Responsible Artificial Intelligence Office. An online interactive lecture on artificial intelligence and its connection with the future of startups in global and Bangladesh aspects. Experts from Europe and ICT Division, Govt. of Bangladesh will join and share their insights on the topic.
Raphaël Weuts (Faculty Member, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. Flemish AI Academy (VAIA), Belgium. President of Leuven AI Forum Director-General of EURAIO, the European Responsible Artificial Intelligence Office)

Dewan Tauhida Akther (Antara) (LLM, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. IPR consultant in Europe, Founder and CEO of the Intellectual Property Rights Consultation Center (IPRCC) in Bangladesh)

ProgramSiddhartho Goshwami (Head of Operation, Innovation Design & Entrepreneurship Academy, ICT Division)

Program moderator:

Shehreen Ataur Khan (Manager, Research & Publication; GenLab. Assistant Professor, Jagannath University)

The program is a joint initiative of GenLab and Intellectual Property Rights Consultation Center (IPRCC) with strategic support from Leuven AI Forum at Belgium, European Responsible Artificial Intelligence Office and JCI Dhaka North

JCI Bangladesh Boshonto Boron 2022

শীতের রিক্ততা শেষে ঋতুরাজ বসন্তের আগমনে আপামর বাঙালির হৃদয়ে ধ্বনিত হয় ফাগুনের নতুন সুর। সেই সুরের মূর্ছনা সকলের সাথে উদযাপনের লক্ষ্যে, জেসিআই বাংলাদেশ ২০২২ এর লোকাল প্রেসিডেন্টদের সম্মিলিত উদ্যেগে, আগামী শনিবার, ১২ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০২২ ইং এ সকলকে “বসন্ত বরণ ২০২২” অনুষ্ঠানে আমন্ত্রণ জানানো হচ্ছে। গান, নাচ, ফুচকা, পান, সেই সাথে চুড়ি কিংবা মনমুগ্ধকর কবিতা ও ঢাকের তান – এর সাথে সারাবেলা কাটিয়ে থাকছে রাত্রিকালিন আহার ও লটারির দান। এই উদ্যেগকে সমৃদ্ধ করার লক্ষ্যে, সকল চ্যাপ্টারের জেসিআই মেম্বারদের অংশগ্রহনের আহ্বান জানানো হচ্ছে।

জেসিআই বাংলাদেশ বসন্ত বরণ ২০২২

তারিখঃ শনিবার, ১২ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২২ ইং

স্থানঃ স্কাইলাইন রেস্তোরা, ১২তলা, রাওয়া কনভেনশন হল, মহাখালী, ঢাকা।


General Members Meeting 2022

JCI Dhaka North's DAY OUT 2022

Women Out of the Box 2022

Eid Meetup 22


JCI Dhaka North General Assembly 2021

A glimpse of the JCI Dhaka North General Assembly 2021 which took place on December 22, 2021 at Long Beach suite Hotel in Gulshan. This event marked the end of a fabulous year to pave the path for a newer one. The Election was conducted by the Election Commissioner and Imran Kadir who is also Vice President of JCI Bangladesh Shakhawat Hossain is the Local President (Elect) for 2022. The 2022 Executive Committee also includes Immediate Past Local President Fatema Akter Naz, EVP Raihatul Zannah Tabin, VPs Md shariful Islam and Sharmin Hossain, SG Ziaul Hoque and others as well.

4th General Members Meeting for 2021

JCI Dhaka North had its 4th General Members Meeting for 2021 at Hotel Tropical Daisy on 30th October. The meeting was chaired by our Local President 2021, Fatima Akter Naz. Our Immediate Past Local President, Imran Kadir and other national governing board members were present in our GMM.  Our GMM was followed by JCI Discover Training session conducted by “Mehedi Hossain” 2021 National Publication Committee Chair,  JCI Bangladesh. We express our special gratitude to all the members for amazing support and Wonderful participation.


Member's Day Out 2021

Bangabandhu JCI Bangladesh Cricket Championship 2021

JCI DHAKA NORTH secured the First Runner-up position in the Bangabandhu JCI Bangladesh Cricket Championship 2021


বসন্ত বরণ ১৪২৭

1st GMM 2021

JCI Dhaka North had its fist General Members Meeting for 2021 at Skyline Restaurant and Party Center on 6th February. The meeting was chaired by our Local President 2021, Fatima Akter Naz. Our National President 2021, Niaz Morshed Elite and other national governing board members were present in our GMM. Our GMM was followed by JCI Discover Training session conducted by our Immediate Past National President 2021, Senator Sarah Kamal. 


Protect Your Identity 2021

Are you worried about protecting your personal identity and protection?

Protecting our privacy and identity in this vulnerable digital world is a burning issue nowadays. Identity theft is on the rise and the financial consequences of it can be crippling to the victims. To protect ourselves from potential Identity theft, necessary precautions are needed. JCI Dhaka North is Facilitating a webinar on protecting your identity and privacy. JCI Dhaka North presenting ” Protect your Identity : a webinar on personal identity and it’s protection”. Join us to strengthen your knowledge on Privacy and Personal Identity Protection.



Webinar on Boosting your immunity: Food Safety, Nutrition & Hygiene -21

“Boosting your immunity: Food Safety, Hygiene & Nutrition”

JCI Dhaka North has taken an initiative to build awareness on Food Safety, Food Hygiene issues for Good Health. This awareness campaign will be run under JCI Dhaka North’s Project “HHH – Heading for Good Health and Food Hygiene (Food Safety)”. For the Digital Activation of Campaign we are inviting you to join our Webinar discussion “Boosting your immunity: Food Safety, Hygiene & Nutrition”

Discussion Area:

1. Food Safety, Hygiene Techniques

2. Storage Protocol – FIFO, LIFO, Dry food, raw food, cooked food, meat, poultry item etc.

3. Temperature Management

4. Cooking Methods to maintain Food Value

5. HACCP & Kitchen Hygiene format

6. Prevention methods for stop Food Contamination , Cross Contamination

7. Ramadan Iftar Cooking methods & Temperature

8. Cooked food sustainability and proper storing method

9. Food Nutrition Values & Chart for boosting immunity

10. Food Ph value maintenance

11. Food borne diseases, cause and prevention

12. Outside food and Hygiene Maintenance

Speaker 1: Dr. Anupom Hossain, PhD (Public Health Specialist & Nutritionist. Ex Professor and Head, Community Medicine. ZH Shikder Women & Medical College)

Speaker 2: Chef Mohammad Ali (Post-graduation on culinary arts and kitchen management from UK. Sr. Sous Chef BFCC, Biman Bangladesh Airlines)

Guest of Honor: Monjur Mohammad Shahriar (Deputy Secretary & Deputy Director. Directorate of National Customers Rights Protection(Jatiyo Bhokta Odhikar Songrokhon Odhidoptor))

Partners: United Nations YSAB (Young Students Association BD), BD Event Express, Firefly, Genlab, Creavision

Media Partner: Jugantor, Channel 24, City FM 96



Women Out Of The Box

An Initiative of Care In Need Foundation In Association WIth JCI Dhaka North

সমাজের বয়স্ক নাগরিকদের সেবায় বিশেষ নজর দেওয়ার আহবান জানিয়েছেন স্পিকার ড. শিরীন শারমিন চৌধুরী। তিনি বলেছেন, বয়স্কদের সেবার প্রতি দায়বদ্ধতা থেকে গঠিত কেয়ার ইন নিডের যাত্রা সময়োপযোগী। ব্যস্ত নাগরিক জীবনে জ্যেষ্ঠ সদস্যদের জীবনকে আনন্দদায়ক করতে কেয়ার ইন নিড বিশেষ ভূমিকা রাখতে সক্ষম হবে বলে তিনি আশা প্রকাশ করেছেন। 

গতকাল শনিবার সন্ধ্যায় রাজধানীর গুলশান ক্লাবে কেয়ার ইন নিড ফাউন্ডেশন এর আয়োজনে এবং জেসিআই ঢাকা নর্থ এর সহযোগিতায় এই আয়োজন অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। সংগঠনের প্রেসিডেন্ট মুবিনা আসাফের সভাপতিত্বে অনুষ্ঠানে আরও বক্তব্য রাখেন প্রধানমন্ত্রীর অর্থনৈতিক বিষয়ক উপদেষ্টা ড. মশিউর রহমান, সাবেক স্বরাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রী মেজর (অব.) রফিকুল ইসলাম, জুনিয়র চেম্বার ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ঢাকা নর্থের প্রেসিডেন্ট ইমরান কাদির, এনআরবি ব্যাংকের আ্যাডিশনাল ম্যানেজিং ডিরেক্টর এবং কেয়ার ইন নীড এর উপদেস্টা মামুন মাহমুদ শাহ প্রমুখ। 

অনুষ্ঠানে স্বাগত বক্তব্য দেন কেয়ার ইন নীড এর প্রেসিডেন্ট এবং প্রতিষ্ঠাতা সদস্য মুবিনা আসাফ। তিনি তার সংক্ষিপ্ত বক্তব্যে সংগঠনটি গড়ে উঠার প্রাক-ভাবনা এবং প্রতিষ্ঠা পরবর্তী লক্ষ্য, উদ্দেশ্য, ভবিষ্যৎ পরিকল্পনা সংক্ষিপ্তভাবে তুলে ধরেন। সহযোগী আয়োজক জেসিআই ঢাকা নর্থ এর প্রেসিডেন্ট ইমরান কাদির, এমন একটি মানবিক উদ্যোগের সাথে যুক্ত হতে পেরে তিনি উচ্ছ্বাস প্রকাশ করেন এবং সংগঠনের পক্ষ প্রয়োজনীয় সকল সহযোগিতা অব্যাহত থাকবে বলে জানান।


General Members Meeting 2020

She Care

Friendship Without Boundary

Personal Branding & Development - Penta-Nation Webinar S8

Being focused, genuine and ready to fail with a consistent story to create a positive impact on the society, The successful people in personal branding have kept a legacy behind them by living their brand and letting people tell their stories. The pioneers of Personal branding and development understand how to yield the power of our social and corporate networks to achieve greater levels of professional success. They know how to use social channels such as online & digital media, personal networks and so on, to deliver helpful messages and ride the wave of this new era in personal branding.

This Webinar Session on “Personal Branding & Development” is designed in such a way where different diversified & International speakers will talk about Communication, leadership, Unique Personality, Stand Out Values, Social Networks, Engagement, Performance, Information, Social Issues and other components of Personal Branding & Development.

It is co-organized by five countries’ local chapters- JCI Dehiwela Mt.Lavinia – Sri Lanka, JCI Obihiro – Japan, JCI Eastern – Australia, JCI Amman – Jordan & JCI Dhaka North – Bangladesh.


How Food Businesses Are Handling COVID 19

“How Food Businesses Are Handling COVID 19”

In these quarantine days, it’s very challenging to indulge our taste buds with the favorite food from our favorite place. Sudden lock down due to COVID-19 results a severe breakdown down for all the vibrant restaurants, cafe,hotels across the city. Eventually now we are going through different occasions where the food business should be on it’s peak. Unfortunately it is not happening in the reality. The food business is facing a various difficulties while running their business in this circumstance. There are many important issues about health and hygiene, food safety, service sustainability and many more issues are drawing attention in a significant manner.

Here, from JCI Dhaka North & JCI Dhaka West we are delighted to bring you this insightful session and set to hearing from our distinguished industry experts and successful entrepreneurs of Bangladesh and explore how they are dealing with the pandemic COVID-19.

We invite you to join us in this endeavor and make your quarantine days worthy.


  1. MARUF HASAN NIRZHOR, Co-Founder of Chillox.
  2. AL AMIN, General Manager of Six Seasons Hotel.
  3. N. R. VIcky, Co-Founder of The Mirage, Melange,Tokyo Express, Bar – B -Q Tonite, Papaz Paya


Hisham Rumman Vice president of JCI Dhaka West


E-Learning from Home

“Explore the Horizon of Learning During Quarantine”

Sudden lockdown due to Covid 19 among urban city dwellers and closure of university campuses across Bangladesh and almost all over the globe has necessitated the virtual delivery of vast numbers of daily needs. And while there have been inevitable teething problems, observers are wondering whether the future might just have become the present. Along with global adaptation of ‘Work from Home’ concept, academic institution and freelance learners are embracing online medium to explore and enrich their quench for knowledge and a way to utilize their homebound leisurely hours. For professionals and startup entrepreneurs this is a phenomenal opportunity to get endowed with the new era of learning. Here, from JCI Dhaka North we are set to learn the new horizons of online learning from our distinguished experts and trendsetters of Bangladesh and explore modern day tools which can help us

to maximize the best use of quarantine hours at home. We invite you to join us in this endeavor.


  1. Aftab Mahmud Khurshid, Business Marketer and Brand Catalyst.
  2. Ghulam Sumdany Don, Chief Inspirational Officer, Don Sumdany Facilitation
  3. Shabnin Rahman Shorna, Lecturer, North South University
  4. Md. Fazle Munim, Technology Expert, a2i – United Nations Development Program, Bangladesh


Ratul Dev, Executive Director -Gen Lab


Stay Home, Stay Active

During this pandemic of COVID-19 people from all walks of life are advised to stay at home. Most of us are staying at home with enormous free time in our hands. So young minds can utilize their free time on cultivating their passion. To inspire the young minds JCI Dhaka North is hosting a Facebook live show ‘Stay Home Stay Active’ where four Young Turks of this generation will talk about their passion, how they are spending their quarantine time, how they are facing this pandemic and share their success stories with a wider audience.

Though every pandemic creates a negative impact on our social, mental, physical and economic life, we always have to move on and keep ourselves busy exploring new opportunities. During this quarantine, we can start working on our hobbies, learning something new, writing a book, working out at home, working on a new business idea, generating new projects for social development, developing creative content, reading books and many more. We will talk about how we can stay busy and active while in quarantine because being busy & active is one of the best ways to fight our mental depression and anxiety.

Our Speakers:

  1. Ms. Raba Khan, Entertainer.
  2. Mr. Kingkor Ahsan, Writer & Creative Director.
  3. Mr. Samir Obaid, Artist, musician & social activist.
  4. Mr. Tushar Malek, Vice President, JCI Dhaka North

Moderator: Tanjim Ferdous


Mental Well-being During Corona - 20

The coronavirus pandemic effects on people’s mental health. This Pandemic creates ignite fear, anxiety and erratic behaviors. If you have been feeling anxious, frustrated, angry or downright confused lately, you need to know how to maintain good mental health during this critical time.

To dig out the current scenario of mental health and discuss about having a good mental health, JCI Dhaka North has arranged a Live show on ” Mental Well-being During Corona” to discuss the mental health crisis and how to fight it.

Issues covered:

  • Impact of COVID19 on mental health
  • Common problem (Symptom) of mental health during COVID19
  • Keeping good mental during this pandemic
  • Stress Management
  • Strategy of ensuring good mental health
  • Suggestion for Children and Elderly

Our Speakers:

  1. Aparna Makhija, Phycological counselor at PHWC
  2. Dr. Syed Faheem Shams, Consultant Psychiatrist and memory clinic advisor, PHWC
  3. Dr. Helal Uddin Ahmed, Associate Professor, National Institute of Mental Health
  4. Mahira Habib, National Director, JCI Bangladesh.

Moderator: Sharif Neer


Parenting During Quarantine

In this crucial time of the pandemic, our children are highly affected. As their regular life has changed all of a sudden, this is impacting their mental health. For parents, it’s being difficult to handle the situation for their kids. So, our discussion is about how to handle the unknown situation in a proper manner.

Issues to be covered:

  • COVID-19: current scenario and parenting
  • Challenges and opportunities for parenting during COVID19
  • Dealing with children
  • Child psychology (Children stress and mental health)
  • Utilization of free time
  • Disciplined life during the quarantine
  • Effective parenting in quarantine

Guest Speaker:

  • Kanta Karim, Pre-primary Teacher
  • Sarah Kamal- President, JCI Bangladesh
  • Fahria Karim, Child psychologist
  • Raihatul Zannah Tabin, Secretary General, JCI Dhaka North

Moderator: Sarif Neer


Fellowship With JCI North Dhaka of Bangladesh

Members Fellowship event with JCI North Dhaka of Bangladesh on 14th April from 3 pm to 4.30 pm over zoom. The objective of the event is to know members of that chapter and explore business opportunities. 14th April being Bengali new year’s day, it is an auspicious moment to start a new journey with a country which shares a lot with us in terms of language, culture, literature, food, sports. JCI North Dhaka of Bangladesh chapter with 120+members. All participants will get an opportunity to introduce themselves & their profession. It is a must attend event for all who want to launch their business in Bangladesh. JCI Senator Anas Hussain IPNP JCI Sri Lanka Member ASPAC of JCI Digital Transformation Committee 2020 has consented to be present apart from guests from other neighbouring countries.



Run for Breaking Drugs

The youth are the future leaders of our country but drugs are destroying them along with their future. To address this problem, JCI Dhaka North presents to you “Run for Breaking Drugs” co-organized by Sportier, supported by Dhaka North City Corporation, Philanthropic partner Prottoy and in association with Daily Samakal. A 5 kilometer running event where 300 people will run and stand together to create awareness against drug abuse.

So, we welcome you to join our cause by registering for the running event. All the participants will be provided with t-shirts, runner IDs, participant certificates, snacks, wristbands. Every participant to finish the run within 45 minutes will be awarded with a “5 Kilometer Finisher” medal & certificate.

There will be volunteers to guide you and a medical team in case of any medical emergencies. We will have the Honorable Mayor of Dhaka North City Corporation, Mr. Atiqul Islam as our chief guest. There will be awards for the participants. The categories are as follows:

Men’s: Champion, First Runner Up, Second Runner Up

Women’s: Champion, First Runner Up, Second Runner Up

Under 15: Champion

Over 45: Champion

Event Date: 18th October 2019

Time: 6.30 AM to 8.30 AM

Place: Hatirjheel

Starting & Ending Point: Hatirjheel Amphitheatre

Protect Your Identity

How many of us are actually safe on internet, how many users get a trust-worthy environment to use internet for daily needs and how many of you know how to deal with cyber crimes & protect your safe identity in internet ?

That’s why JCI Dhaka North is going to organize an advocacy workshop “Protect Your Identity” on 27th July, 2019 for the people who do face tough times on cyber spaces, who are under possible treats of cyber issues and those who want their cyber life safe.

From tech-experts to academician, from representative of law-enforcing agencies to law practitioners, they all have notable identities to share insights, experiences, suggestions and eye-opening case studies. There will be three discussions on Cyber Crime, Cyber Law & Cyber Security by the following respective experts and professionals.

  1. Sharful Alam (Chief Operating Officer, aamra networks limlted)
  2. Ishtiaq Ahmed (Assistant Commissioner of Police, Cyber Security & Crime Division, Dhaka Metropolitan Police.)
  3. Tanzim Al Islam (Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh)
  4. Dr. B M Mainul Hossain (Associate Professor, Institute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka)

Venue: Mehfil, Banani Club, Dhaka


Alight Yourself

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. We all have sufferings & mental health related issues but the strongest souls are those who enlighten themselves to be the strongest characters. This is why our Mental Health based project “Alight Yourself” is here, where you will be free to discuss your problems and have an instant life coaching & mentoring.

Alight Yourself is one of the flagship events of JCI Dhaka North started in 2017. This year it will be organized in association with City Alo. The project is about “Mental Health” where the key focus is on depression, a common mental health issue involving persistent sadness or loss of interest or pleasure in activities normally enjoyed. It may express itself as disturbed sleep or appetite, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, or feelings of tiredness and lethargy. This Event is for you If you are Experiencing one or more of the following feelings or behaviors;

  • Eating or sleeping too much or too little
  • Pulling away from people and usual activities
  • Having low or no energy
  • Feeling numb or like nothing matters
  • Having unexplained aches and pains
  • Feeling helpless or hopeless
  • Feeling unusually confused, forgetful, on edge, angry, upset, worried, or scared
  •  Yelling or fighting with family and friends
  • Experiencing severe mood swings that cause problems in relationships
  • Inability to perform daily tasks like taking care of your kids or getting to work or school

These are the mental health issues you need to address. Thus the purpose of “Alight Yourself” is to increase awareness among the ladies of the corporate sectors and to provide mentoring so that they can easily share their problems in the session and find some ways to deal with the issues.

Program Details: Our targeted population is 100 women. We would figure out their problems taking their questions on depression or stress. An initial mental health Session will be conducted by Professor Mehtab Khanam, Department of Educational & Counselling psychology, University of Dhaka. Late on, there will be a Question-Answer Session from the audience.

Place: City Alo Centre, Shanta Skymark, 18 Gulshan Avenue, Dhaka, Bangladesh 1212


Plogging Dhaka

PLOGGING, a combination of jogging with picking up litter, is happening in 42 cities around the world with a vision to create awareness for the fitness & well-being and for a CLEAN PLANET. It’s an initiative by ‘PLOGGING WORLD” and in Bangladesh it was organized by SPORTIER with the collaboration of co organizers JCI Dhaka North & Chesta. Please visit for details.

Event Details:

  • PLOGGING started at 6.30 AM in Hatirjheel on 27th April
  • Total running/ jogging distance 4.00 KM

What we provided:

  • A “PLOGGING WORLD” T-shirt
  • A MUG for all the participants
  • Breakfast
  • A special recognition by certification for the contribution



Boishakh Celebration by JCI Dhaka North

JCI Dhaka North is going to Celebrate this Boishakh 1425 with all the Members Grandly from JCI Dhaka North..

Place: Al-Kaderia Express, Khilgaon

Date and Time: 28th April, 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM

Eid Reunion 2018

General Members Meeting - 2nd


The main focus of the project is “the sexual and reproductive health”. This project focus on healthy practices, hygiene consciousness, adult education, removal of misconceptions and get awareness on superstitions and wellbeing. Thus “Care that never quits!” is completely aligned with JCI Plan of Action.

Target Group: Children of 13 to 18 years student of Hashil Higher Secondary School. Our targeted population is 100 children.

There was 2 types of awareness campaigns among the school children and the target population. “CARE THAT NEVER QUITS” has the ability to eradicate sufferings of the people who does not have access to basic knowledge on sexual and reproductive health. The nature of this project is – PILOT PROJECT. After its success, we have plans to cover more areas in near future. Reproductive health is a crucial part of general health and a central feature of human development. It is a reflection of health during childhood, and crucial during adolescence and adulthood, sets the stage for health beyond the reproductive years for both women and men, and affects the health of the next generation. The health of the new born is largely a function of the mother’s health and nutrition status and of her access to health care. We want to make them aware of the facts, we want to create a change, we want to JUST ACT.


Alight Yourself

The main focus of the project is “the mental health”. This project focus on depression, a common mental health issue involving persistent sadness or loss of interest or pleasure in activities normally enjoyed. It may express itself as disturbed sleep or appetite, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, or feelings of tiredness and lethargy. Depression can also make itself known through agitation or physical restlessness, substance abuse, reduced concentration, and suicidal thoughts or acts. Thus “Alight Yourself – Phase 2” is completely aligned with JCI Plan of Action.

Target Group: Students within 13 to 15 years of age of Dewanganj Girls’ High School. Our targeted population is 100 children.

There will be 2 types of awareness campaigns among the school children and the target population.

“Alight Yourself” will be a sustainable project and it will create awareness among the adolescence to speak their mind. The nature of this project is – PILOT PROJECT. After its success, we have plans to cover more schools/college in near future


Meet the JCI President

2nd Fellowship- Day Outing

First General Members Meeting



This is our sheer pleasure to inform you, that JCI Dhaka North organized a Day Out event on 24 February 2017 at Dhaka Resort, Gazipur.

Kindly note that the mode of payment would be through bank account or through BKASH (whichever convenient for members). Details are given below:


Meet the JCI World President & 15 years of JCI Dhaka North

This was 15 years celebration of JCI Dhaka North & Meet the JCI World President.

Date: 1st December( Thursday)

Venue: Le Meridian, Dhaka

followed by dinner and live music.

General Assembly & Chain Handover Ceremony

The GA of JCI Dhaka North will be held on 18th November(Friday). The 2017 board will be declared & sowrn in during that occasion.


Training on Banking & Legal Documentation

as a part of its annual signature program ‘Women On the move’. This time the focus is on the digital entrepreneurs who are trying to change their fate through E-commerce/F-commerce or any other form of digital entrepreneurship.

The program includes:

  1. Training programs on E-commerce/F-commerce
  2. Consultancy in legal issues and fund raising
  3. 3-month long incubation garding the technical aspects of their business by GEEKY Social Ltd.


JCI Impact

JCI Impact is a course aimed for JCI members who want to become active citizens and create long-lasting positive change in their communities. The course discusses the active citizenship concept, covers the analysis of community needs, solutions addressing these needs and discusses the projects a Local Organization can conduct with all sectors of society in order to create sustainable and effective positive change in their community

Training on Networking

Networking est le cours JCI de la transformation de vos rencontres en de durables, confiantes et profitables relations et connections. Ce cours présente les principes et dynamiques du réseautage, la façon d’identifier et d’exploiter les opportunités lorsque l’on rencontre des gens, les actions nécessaires à suivre après une rencontre afin de la rendre profitable et comment user de sa participation aux activités de JCI pour se faire remarquer afin d’établir un réseau de relations pour le future

Digital Entrepreneurs - Women by JCI Dhaka North

JCI Dhaka North has arranged this 3-month incubation program as a part of its annual signature program ‘Women On the move’. This time the focus is on the digital entrepreneurs who are trying to change their fate through E-commerce/F-commerce or any other form of digital entrepreneurship.

The program includes:

  1. Training programs on E-commerce/F-commerce
  2. Consultancy in legal issues and fund raising
  3. 3-month long incubation garding the technical aspects of their business by GEEKY Social Ltd.


Training on Effective Meeting

This course proposes that JCI Local Organizations must be creative when organizing meetings. Because each Local Organization is different and can change every year, Local Officers must decide what type of meeting is more effective for the members and the organization. On one hand, humans have a need to meet person-to-person, while on the other hand, innovations have proven that there are other ways of achieving the same results.


ছড়িয়ে দেই ঈদের খুশি

Training on Business English to build your own brand

In the global environment, it has become common for non-native English speakers to study business English as a specific tool, with the aim of interacting with English-speaking countries, or with companies that use English as a shared language. In this atmosphere, business English is what one is required of in order to join, communicate and compete in the international market. This language has become the working language or bridge language of our time.This dominance plays a part in the wide range of effects of what is called globalization. Developing or having acquired Business English Communication skills is one of the most important things to do in this day and age.Since most of us are associated with business organizations, leveraging language and using the technical terms appropriately or in a way that produces the desired effect is a valuable thing. Having been regarded as one of the top most soft skills of an employee, the quality of maintaining good communication at the work place leads to get the desired results. This is why it demands a business-oriented English vocabulary and a bunch of skills. These skills can include English letter writing, delivering presentations, negotiating or plain small-talk. With this in mind, such skills are already considered to be a prerequisite of modern-day international cooperation, and an important key for global business.

With the aim to aid the JCI member’s with these skills JCI Dhaka North & JCI Uptown jointly organizing a training on Business English on 24th July, 2016. The trainer Mr. Edwin is a soft skill trainer & motivational Speaker from India.


পরিছন্নতা অভিযান - Spreading Life Spreading Happiness

JCI Dhaka North is hosting a healthy hand was campaign under their project spreading life Spreading Happiness Project. A team of Detol will be present during the occasion to demonostrate the handwash process & the project chair Ms Rouf will discuss about the importance of handwash.Thanks to our other sponsors Dano and #InstantCash.Thanks to #Wefoundationand #vividfoundation for their participation in the campaign

JCI Dhaka North Celebrates Bengali New Year

General Assembly & Chain Handover Cremony


"Women on the Move"

Inspiring Change is the 2014 theme for the international women’s day of 2014. With that theme in mind and concept by Arrival GoBrand Communications Ltd, JCI Dhaka North is going to host an event with all chapters respective JCI Members. JCI Dhaka South, JCI Dhaka West, JCI Uptown, JCI Central, JCI Dhaka Heritage will be participating as the event partner for the program. This will be a session on celebration, discussion, success story sharing and networking events to inspire next gen women. The renowned iconic speakers for the evening are:

  1. Selima Ahmad, Founder President of BWCCI
  2. Sangita Ahmed, President, BWCCI
  3. Sonia Bashir Kabir, Country Manager, Dell
  4. Syeda Yasmin Rahman, Chief People officer GPIT
  5. Kazi Farhana Zabin, Head of HR, Meghna Bank Ltd.
  6. Rubaba Dowla, CSO, Airtel Bangladesh Ltd.
  7. Shomi Kaiser, Entrepreneur and Media Personality
  8. Sabina Mehdi, Broadcast Journalist.
  9.  Bity Jahan, Business Broadcaster & Entrepreneur

MGM & First Aid Training JCI Dhaka North presents " First Aid Saves Lives"

We are pleased to inform you that after MGM we will be having a training session on “First Aid Saves lives” by a professional trained doctor.

Human bodies are susceptible to injuries, illnesses and trauma. We never know when any injury may happen to us or the people we love or those who are around us. Thus it is always good to have some amount of basic knowledge to take care of critical situations, to keep it from going bad to worse or till the medical help arrives. The knowledge of first aid promotes a healthy, secure and a safer environment, and instills confidence among people, their families, their colleagues and associates.

Objective of this Training:

Helping someone who:

  • is having a heart attack
  • is choking
  • is unconscious and breathing
  • is bleeding
  • has a burn or scald
  • is having a stroke
  • has a broken bone